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As far back as 62 BC, Rome possessed over one million denizens, though the habitable area of the city was quite small. For millennia her compact overpopulation has existed and, as a consequence, Romans are hardwired to live in close proximity with one another. Inspired reading the history of this megalopolis, I have made images of old Roman edifices and sites, sometimes in fragments, deluged by the everflow of humanity.


The quantity of milling humans from all over the world even now is not strange to these ancient stones, an anonymous public repeatedly eddying about them. As spectators, silent observers, stoic witnesses, these structures remain mum to impenetrable histories, to generation upon generation of beings, rushing, stirring about, as water runs in a river, always moving, never the same, always the same.

The Arch of Constantine
Ponte Sant'Angelo
Site of the Vestal Virgins
Baths of Caracalla
Steps of the Campidoglio
San Paolo Fuori Le Mura
La Bocca della Veritá
La Fontana di Trevi
The Colosseum
The Forum
The Via Appia Antica
The Colosseum
The Circus Maximus
The Forum
Largo Argentina
near the Column of Trajan
The Pantheon
Piazza Navona
The Vatican
San Sebastiano
Piramide di Cesto
The Palatine Hill
The Spanish Steps
The Temple of Fortune
The Borghese Gardens
Sta. Maria di Trastevere
The Arch of Titus
Sta. Maria Maggiore
The Vatican